
An in-depth conversation at Legacy Sessions Studio with award-winning Estonian clown Julia Masli was conducted and later edited by Sarah.

Masli’s show, “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA” has been receiving rave reviews and touching audiences in Edinburgh, Melbourne, London, New York, and now Washington, D.C. A show centered around solving the problems of the audience, Masli undergoes the challenge of creating a new show every night, not knowing what may occur. The show is an act of generosity, and while Masli persists it is a very serious show, it continues to get nominated for comedic awards. People keep laughing in respects to the way the piece breaks theatre norms…you may find Masli walking on the chairs of the audience, insinuating a crowd surf, or even burning socks on stage.

After moving from Estonia to the U.K. at age 12 Masli was set on pursuing classical drama and alternatively found her path in studying clown with the renowned Ecole Phillipe Gaulier. In their discussion Pollock and Masli delved into Julia’s obsession with people, how presence unlocks theatre magic, and design choices within the mysterious, lucid world of “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA” before Masli did an exercise in solving some of Pollock’s problems. 

Selected Reels + 'Video Articles'

